The Woman of GOD discovers Identity in Christ! She finds, Love, Happiness, Comfort, Strength, Respect, Acceptance, Joy and Peace in WHO SHE IS in HIM! Her Prayers begin to change. Her Desires change, Her PERSPECTIVE is no longer the same. She doesn't find satisfaction by the things of the world. Her STRENGTH is in Uplifting OTHERS knowing there is no competition Being SELFLESS as CHRIST is to the World Be that Proverbs 31 Godly Kingdom Woman as Mary was at Jesus feet. It is hard to find a woman like her. She is Rare, Secure and Confident! She radiates LOVE & RESPECT! She TRUSTS the LORD with all her heart and walking by Faith and not By sight seeking His direction over her life versus her own understanding. You are Not in Control You are a Daughter of the Most High King, Most High God, Lord of Lords, Creator of Heaven and Earth, The Alpha & The Omega, The Beginning & The End, The Great I AM! Your Are LOVED, You Are IMPORTANT, You are Wonderfully and Fearfully Made! Go Out and Be Great and shine God's Love by a Simple Smile or Pray for Someone. God Bless.